

Looms and textile art are super popular right now and we have some of the best tutorials to help you get started if you’re a beginner, and tips and tricks for those of you who are more advanced. Here are some of our favorites! See the links below.

From top to bottom, left to right.

1. This tutorial by Flax & Twine is one of our most popular for good reason! It’s easy enough for children, but the results are amazing and all you need is a hula hoop and finger knitted yarn. The finger knitted yard is a DIY in itself! Check out the tutorial here.

2. We love this one! This post by Loomandspindleau shows you how to weave this organic, chunky pattern with your own handspun roving. Find the tutorial here.

3. This giant loom from Fall For DIY shows you how to make an extra large loom from rectangular wooden dowels! This would be perfect for weaving your own rug. Find the tutorial here. 

4. You don’t need unique supplies to create a loom. This tutorial by Bead_Bash teaches you to make a simple circular loom from card stock! Find the tutorial here.

5. This tutorial by A Beautiful Mess not only includes step by step instructions, but it also has step by step photos! This is a good one for those learning to weave. Find it here!

6. This post by Polka_Hontas, teaches you the anatomy of a loom! This knowledge can help you on your way to mastering textile art on a loom. See the post here.

There are too many good tutorials to list here, but check out our weaving gallery for more tutorials. You can also click the submitters name on craftgawker to see more projects by that submitter! 

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