Valentine’s Day is all about love, right? Wrong! It’s about chocolate and flowers! At least for most of the people. For me it’s about thinking about creative ways to say: I love you. And if there’s a holiday that sets a date to do so, that’s fine with me. Naturally I thought about flowers and chocolate as well. But I try to look at it differently like these cactus that tell how you feel. In that line of thoughts I came up with another idea of how plants could deliver the message without the traditional note:

For Valentine's Day create a flower embroidered with a love confession.

I stitched a love confessions into the leaf of a tulip. And there’s an excuse to buy tulips and get creative!

All you need for embroidered flowers

All you need is:
– tulips
– thread in black and red
– a needle
– scissors

punched flower leaf as template

Choose a big leaf of the tulip and punch in holes with the needle to create a template.

stitch I love you into a flower leave for a great Valentine's Day gift - with easy tutorial

Now stitch the love message into the leaf. Be careful when pulling the thread, the leaf can easily rip and you have to find another flower. However if you do the embroidery slowly and thoughtful, it will work just fine.

Love confessions with tulip leafs?! Yes please! Easy tutorial? Hell, yeah!

Voilá! That’s it already. Now you have a flower that says it all.

Easy Valentine's Day gift where the flower does all the talking: embroidered tulip leaf!

You can mix it in a flower bouquet or just deliver it on its own for the ultimate effect.

Valentine's Day flower DIY with tulips

Do you like the flower embroidery? What are you giving away for Valentine’s Day?

Now. Carry on!